What is Educators Errors & Omissions Insurance?
Educators Errors & Omissions is insurance coverage that provides professional liability to protect an educational institution, its management team, and other employees in the course of their duties from claims arising out of actual or alleged wrongful acts or other breaches of duty.

Who needs Educators Errors & Omissions Insurance?
All educational institutions need Educators Errors & Omissions insurance. Entities that fall into this category include, but are not limited to:

  • Public school districts
  • Private schools
  • Charter schools
  • Cyber schools
  • Public and private  colleges

Why do Schools Need Educators Errors & Omissions Insurance?
Academic organizations have high professional liability exposure.   Typical Educators Errors & Omissions claims come from allegations of failing to provide appropriate education, improper hiring and training practices, breach of contract, breach of confidentiality, and lack of adequate supervision.

The following list shows some of the sample claims we have seen associated with charter schools and educators’ errors & omissions insurance:

  • Claims arise from the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) when parents of special needs feel that their children are not having their specific educational requirements addressed.
  • Claims can occur when teachers either intentionally or unintentionally introduce material that is not age, race, or religious appropriate.
  • Failure to maintain proper hiring and employment practices & procedures results in claims from both staff and students.
  • Exposure to a breach of contract exists between the schools and teachers and the schools and outside vendors.

What does Educator’s Errors & Omissions Insurance Cover?
Claims arising out of actual or alleged:

  • Wrongful acts
  • Errors & omissions
  • Breach of contract
  • Negligent employment practices
  • Claims seeking non-monetary relief

Educators Errors & Omissions Insurance protects both the insured educational entity and other individuals named in suits who are insureds on the E&O policies.