In working with charter schools, we have found that many employees within the school don’t know how to report an injury or where to go for treatment. With that in mind, we want to share some tips for helping employees report injuries and return to work quickly and efficiently.
Steps after the Worker Has Been Injured On the Job
If possible, develop a relationship with specific doctors to treat on-the-job injuries. Doing so will help the doctor become more familiar with your school’s operations and ensure better employee treatment. Your worker’s compensation carrier may even be able to suggest some preferred doctors to help.
Knowing where to send your employees is just as important. The difference in costs can be substantial. Compare these average medical costs when an injured worker needs non-life-threatening medical care:
- $1,300 to a hospital emergency room
- $175 to an urgent care center visit
- $150 for a doctor’s office visit
- $73 to a walk-in convenience care clinic
Quickly reporting injuries to your worker’s compensation claim department is also very important. Also, incorporating a return to-work program helps companies save money in the following areas:
Reduced medical costs and disability duration
- Improved productivity, and
- Reduced attorney intervention
Steps after the Doctor Visit
Did you know that studies show that the longer an injured employee is away from work, the lower the probability that person will return to their job? A Bureau of Labor Statistics study found the chance an injured employee will return to work is typical:
- 90% after 30 days
- 50% after six months
- 25% after one year, and
- <2% after two years
This highlights the importance of creating a return-to-work program. These “transitional duty” jobs should:
Match the physical capabilities of the person doing the work.
It should be offered in writing.
It should be peculiar in scope and description.
An adequate return-to-work program saves 35% on medical costs and 30% on lost time days.
To find out more, please get in touch with our office.