One of the coverages we recommend all charter schools carry is medical incident liability.   Many of our schools don’t know what medical incident liability is and how it can protect your school from potential claims.

Medical incident liability is designed to help protect your school from claims arising out of the assistance of a school nurse.  These types of claims can include:

  • Adverse treatment results
  • Medication errors
  • Patient displeasure
  • Letter of complaint

This coverage can be purchased on a stand alone basis or as part of your package policy.  Some insurance companies will include this coverage for free as part of the general liability policy.  It’s important to note that in these cases, the range may be limited in scope and nature, so it’s essential to review the specific coverages provided.

If your school uses an outside contractor to provide medical services, we recommend that you verify the firm carries medical malpractice insurance as well.   Otherwise, you could be responsible for their errors.

Please contact our office to learn how your school can be protected from medical incident liability.